Everyday Hydration Tips
Why is daily hydration important?
Hydration is an important part of physical performance in both training and competition however, not many people understand the importance of staying hydrated when we are not exercising. Hydrating helps the body in transporting electrolytes, regulating core body temperature, and delivering nutrients to cells.
Even when you aren't exercising hydration matters:
Even when we aren’t exercising we still lose fluid and electrolytes through sweat as well as breathing and urination. Our physical performance isn’t the only thing affected by dehydration, our mental clarity and brain function can suffer which can lead to migraines and headaches.
The Importance of morning hydration:
Drinking fluid in the morning is important because overnight our bodies continue to loose fluids, which can lead to dehydration. Air temperature and humidity levels (sometimes caused by air conditioning) can also contribute to dehydration, which is why sometimes you wake up with a dry mouth craving water.
Non-training days hydration strategy:
- Begin the day with a 750ml serving of water with PURE Electrolyte Hydration Low Carb to rehydrate your mind and body after a night's sleep.
- Aim to drink 2-3 litres of water daily (depending on your size) or around 8 glasses. Test yourself by keeping track of how much water you are consuming in a day.
- Level up your drinking regime by using PURE Electrolyte Replacement Capsules with a glass of water to top up the essential minerals your body needs.
- Keep a bottle with you during the day so you can make a habit of sipping away at it to keep hydrated throughout the day.
- Add fresh fruit to your water to make it more refreshing, give it flavour and make it more appealing to drink.
- Keep a bottle or jug in the fridge so your water is cold and refreshing.
- Make mocktails with PURE Electrolyte Hydration Low Carb and fresh or frozen fruit to make hydrating more interesting.
Training days hydration strategy:
- Start with a 750ml serving of PURE Electrolyte Hydration Low Carb to rehydrate yourself after sleeping and preload for the days training.
- Training day hydration strategies can differ depending on length, intensity, and the type of exercise. It’s best to start drinking 10 minutes into exercise to stay on top of hydration, fuel, and electrolyte levels so you aren’t playing catch up.
- For exercise sessions under an hour (particularly low intensity) electrolyte replacement is the priority. Consuming a 750ml bottle of PURE Electrolyte Hydration Low Carb is perfect to help replace fluid and minerals lost in sweat.
- For exercise sessions longer than an hour carbohydrate and electrolyte supplementation is needed. Choose PURE Electrolyte Hydration, which has carbs plus electrolytes, and aim for around 500-900ml per hour.
- If you training runs longer than 2 hours larger amounts of carbohydrates and electrolytes are needed to fuel and replenish your body. Depending on the intensity, PURE Electrolyte Hydration or PURE Performance + Race Fuel are both options for hydrating and fuelling.
- Before exercise, you could also consume an electrolyte capsule to top up your essential minerals.
- After training, rehydration should be a focus. To replenish your energy stores and electrolytes lost through sweat drink a serving of PURE Exercise Recovery, then move onto water or PURE Electrolyte Hydration Low Carb to ensure ongoing rehydration.
- Just like on non-training days, it's important to drink consistently throughout the day. Having a bottle of water with you at all times will be a constant reminder to do this.
Hydration through different seasons:
The warmer and more humid temperatures of summer mean our bodies lose sweat, electrolytes, and fluids faster and more regularly. It’s important to drink often to replenish these and avoid dehydration.
The colder winter temperatures mean you aren’t sweating as much so dehydration can be less obvious. Keeping hydrated is just as important as it is in summer and it can help support your immune system, especially important in cold and flu season.
Signs you may need to hydrate more:
- Feeling thirsty is a natural way your body lets you know it needs water.
- Fatigue is a sign of dehydration, it can mean your body is not processing or regulating itself efficiently.
- Your lips and skin may be dry.
- Muscle cramps and joint pain can also be related to dehydration.
For more information and specifics on PURE Electrolyte Hydration products visit:
Hydration Products:
PURE Electrolyte Replacement Capsules